Orlando | Daytona Beach

  • Client:Office Building, Orlando
  • Info:

    Marble restoration


Our clients wanted their marble floor honed and polished, but they were afraid that restoration services might damage the new carpet surrounding the marble.


We consider masking and protecting the surrounding area to be an important part of any natural stone restoration project. On this particular marble polishing / restoration job, as with all others, we took the time to carefully mask and protect the baseboards and all immediately surrounding areas.

At Elite Stone and Tile Care, we take every precaution to ensure that not only do you have brand new looking natural stone, but that your carpets, baseboards, and other surfaces do not become wet or damaged in any way. This holds true whether you are a commercial client or residential customer.

To learn more about marble floor restoration, visit our marble service page.

For a FREE estimate on marble floor polishing or other commercial floor maintenance services throughout the Orlando and Daytona area, contact us online or call (407) 567-7660 today.